The time spent with my grandfather was much the same. He imparted his wisdom of DIY on me, knowing full well it would be lost on my older brother. He also gave me a large selection of his old tools from his days as an electrician, all of which I was thrilled to get!
My grandaunt and grandfather died in May and November 2003 respectively. In June 2004, my aunt, godmother and my 'Dublin Mum', as I affectionately called her, died from ovarian cancer. She had been sick since the start of that year but no matter how many tests she went for, a diagnosis was never made. One Tuesday night at the end of May 2004 my mother and grandmother walked into the sitting room where my sister and I were rewatching the last episode of Friends which had aired the night before. I knew when I saw my grandmother that something was wrong.
The call had come earlier that day that my aunt had ovarian cancer and she was being moved to another hospital in Dublin. She died two weeks later, never having received treatment because her diagnosis came too late to do anything. The whole family was utterly devastated, and I think some of us still are. My aunt was 43, she had two beautiful girls who weren't even teenagers yet. Everyone adored her, she had a wicked sense of humour and great style. She was elegant and beautiful. She was caring and generous. And in an instant she was gone.
As a result of all of this, the charity I have decided to fund raise for is Cork ARC Cancer Support House, a voluntary organisation that provides emotional support and practical help for people with cancer and their families. All of the services offered by Cork ARC are free. All of their running costs are covered by donations. At some point we will all encounter cancer, and I would like to think that when that time comes all of us will have a place to go where we can get information in a relaxed atmosphere, where we can have space to reflect on what is happening and where we can cry for as long as we need to, safe in the knowledge that someone is there with a shoulder. In 2010, Cork ARC Cancer Support House had over 4,500 visitors.
When I run the mini marathon on Monday, 6th June, I will do it in memory of Joan Crowley, Tim O'Sullivan and Darra Corcoran. If you would like to support my effort, please click the following link to make a donation: http://www.mycharity.ie/event/kerri_crowleys_event/.
Thanks in advance,